Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Brian - Rhythm Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Brian - Lead Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Brian - Guitar Effects
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Joe - Keyboards
Lead 1 (square]

Joe - Keyboards
Lead 1 (square]

Joe - Keyboards
Pad 1 (new age]

Joe - Keyboards

Nikki - Bass
Acoustic Bass

Christopher - Drums
The things we laid do not amount to much Made of abandoned wood loose stones and such This revolution baby Proves who you work for lately Release the castaways who run amok From self appointed winds which blow and such When present tense gets strangled in the mire Made of our cozy decomposing wires Who do you work for baby And does it work for you lately But when the night is over and the walls start burning When fire starts to matter and the clock's still churning Clichйs and other chatter keeps our minds from learning Our minds keep learning It's alright It's alright The things we laid do not amount to much Made up of thought-balloons and cotton swabs When present tense gets strangled in the woes Made of our future foe scenarios This revolution baby Proves who you work for maybe Who do you work for baby And does it work for you lately But when the night is over and the walls start linking When fire starts to matter and the clock's still sinking Clichйs and other chatter keep our minds from thinking Our minds keep thinking It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright That's when it turned on me A motorcade of 'meant to be's' The reign of beauty queens Where soft entwines make kindling These many detailed things Like broken nails and plastic rings Will win by keeping me From speaking to my new darling And there's no way to know Our future foe scenarios That's when it turned on me When bobby pins held angel wings It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright It's alright